NR 6
NR6 is the norm that regulates all PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and defines what parameters these equipment must follow to ensure worker safety.
6.1 - For the purposes of applying this Regulatory Standard - NR, Personal Protective Equipment - PPE is considered to be any device or product, for individual use used by the worker, intended to protect against risks that may threaten safety and health at work.
As a result of this regulation, the Ministry of Labor and Employment requires that all personal protective equipment be subjected to technical tests that prove their protection. Subsequently, the Ministry will issue a Certificate of Approval (CA), which will authorize the sale of the product in the national territory.
It is the employer's responsibility to provide the appropriate PPE for the risks susceptible to the worker's activity and in perfect conditions of use. It is also the employer's responsibility to provide adequate training for the correct use of the equipment.
NR 10
This Regulatory Norm - NR, establishes the minimum requirements and conditions for the implementation of control measures and preventive systems, in order to guarantee the safety and health of workers who, directly or indirectly, interact in electrical installations and services with electric energy.
This Regulatory Norm - NR, establishes the minimum requirements and conditions for the implementation of control measures and preventive systems, in order to guarantee the safety and health of workers who, directly or indirectly, interact in electrical installations and services with electric energy.
This NR applies to the phases of generation, transmission, distribution, and consumption, including the stages of design, construction, assembly, operation, maintenance of electrical installations, and any works carried out in its surroundings, observing the official technical standards established by the agencies, competent authorities and, in their absence or omission, the relevant international standards.
The above article of NR 10 informs that the ideal is to protect the entire team of workers, preventing the occurrence of electric arc. However, being 100% sure that such an event will not occur is technically impossible. In this case, the company must protect each user individually, by using personal protective equipment (PPE).